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Contacter cette hébergeuse
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A propos de Isabel

I am a psychologist and work at Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. I live in the center of Potsdam though. I actually have two homes as I also live with my kids in our house nearby every other week. My ex-partner and I realize a so-called nest model, where the kids stay in the house and the parents alternate to live with the kids. The fact that I have two homes is also the reason why I signed up with NomadSister. My apartment is only used for 1-2 weeks every month and I would like to offer it for free to woman traveling alone during that time. The main reason I am doing this is that I try to be mindful about free living space and helpful if I can. I have always been a supporter of woman empowerment, have been part of women circles and have acted as a mentor for female junior scientists for many years. As far as using my apartment goes: I will likely not be around when it is used by a nomad sister but if needed and wanted, I will be happy to help with information and organisation.

Règles d'hébergement

on ne fume pas à la maison
je n'ai pas d'animaux
je vis seule
vous aurez une chambre individuelle chez moi

Mes indisponibilités

Calendrier des hébergeuses ( accessible uniquement avec un pass actif )

La localisation reste approximative tant que vous n'aurez pas contacté cette hébergeuse


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