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A propos de Laura

I didn’t have much time to travel so far, but the majority of my trips were solo and I found that it perfectly suits for me! Since I have just retired, I thought hosting and starting to travel more might be a pretty good idea to spend my free time and connecting with other people. I’m almost 49, I speak Italian and English, and just adore Aussie accent! I live alone in a town by the sea, just in front of Elba island and close to an Etruscan necropolis. We have good food and wine, plenty of beaches, cool trekking paths and wonderful medieval villages around here. Food festivals are pretty frequent. The weather is pretty pleasant almost all year round. If you need a safe place to stay some days, if you want some company to better discover the surroundings, if you’d like to eat, or maybe learn to cook one of the signature dishes of my area, or even share one of yours, I’m sure we could arrange a good and pleasant stay! I am thinking about to travel the US in the next fall, but I didn’t decide yet!

Règles d'hébergement

on ne fume pas à la maison
je n'ai pas d'animaux
je vis seule
vous aurez une chambre individuelle chez moi

Mes indisponibilités

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